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An extemporaneous and short treatise on Love

On this Valentine’s Day, amidst the heart-shaped candy boxes and holiday cards ranging from mushy to humorous, I thought it an opportunity to wax philosophic on my personal views of love. Much greater authors and philosophers than this humble scribe have spoken of love in prose and poetry since the dawn of written language. Sometimes, […]


We had been considering a new car for about 6 months, and specifically been thinking of a Dodge Charger. I had been riding my motorcycle almost every day this summer to work. Then on a Wednesday about 3 weeks ago, we had a very unusual weather event. About 2:30PM in the afternoon, I heard thunder! […]

Sometimes Here, Never Quite There

He was sitting in the upstairs breezeway dining area in a restaurant on Islamorada, in the Keys. Dwight, who was named for his granddad’s favorite president, sat playing with the leftover ice in the bottom of his drink. A pensive man, in his mid-thirties, he was partially burnt from the sun and partially burnt from […]