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The Happiest Place On Earth, April 2013

From our recent trip to the park that Mickey built.


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Cars during the day! The race is on! Mater! Tractor Tipping! The Bug with Minnie. Everything is in bloom! The ladies ride the Teacups! I’m really having fun, Mommy! Dixieland! Jesse doing giants! Ferris wheel at dusk Reflections. The ferris wheel lit in color Cars at night!

Beach Monastic

Yesterday, we went down to Poipu to enjoy some snorkeling at Poipu Beach Park, on the southern side of Kauai. As we came up onto the beach, we stumbled onto an unexpected and rare siting, three monk seals were sunning themselves – two on the beach and one on an exposed sand bar. Volunteers had […]

Nash Edition

Our first night at the resort here in Kauai, we are having dinner, when a rock icon, Graham Nash, along with several others sits down at a table near us. This veteran of the Hollies, and various iterations of Crosby Stills Nash & Young has been busy with his photographic digital print company for the […]