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A quick family history album

I’ve posted most of these on the Descendents of Julia page in Facebook, but I wanted to have them available here, as well.

Now that I’ve figured out how to use the media and gallery functions, I’ll be posting more, here, over time.

Julia Tomina Peterson, circa 1915. Ross Schimmels in the US Army, stationed in Italy in 1946. Ross and Ruth Schimmels in about 1934 – the heart of the Dust Bowl. Wedding day for Warren and Ruth Vance. Wedding Certificate of Henry Schimmels and Julia Schimmels (nee Peterson).

Julia, in a classic look

This photo was taken during a trip to a local portrait studio. While waiting for the session, this photo was captured of Julia. In post processing, I saw a possibility for a “classic” looking photograph. In post processing, I converted to black and white using my Nik color efexpro 4 (not as good as silver […]

Convergence II

Just another post from the Android to test publishing.

This is Brian, doing his best baby bed imitation for Layla.