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I am typing this entry on my Android phone. It never ceases to amaze me that we can converge all this technology, and hopefully, make life better. This is just a quick entry to prove the concept. It even allows media to be posted. Here is a picture of Julia, shot with Retro-camera.


The Pledge and me

Recently, one of those Facebook polls was making the rounds regarding the removal of the words, “under God,” from the Pledge of Allegiance. My daughter posted in the affirmative for removal, sparking a lengthy debate.

It is true that the words “under God,” were added to the Pledge in early 1954. It is also interesting […]

The Death of Civility

From the lineage of the inventions of Morse and Bell, we are now inundated with instantaneous means by which to communicate. Of late, one such means has been the growth of social networking sites on the internet. These sites, while they may vary in the specifics of who they attract, serve to form more far […]