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Let the music play

I’ve been updating my skills with regard to this blog site, and am starting to tackle media. Here is an original song of mine, “Bikes in the Snow,” that I recorded on my Mac, playing all the instruments.

Bikes In The Snow


Yet again, a new release of the Beatles catalog

On the auspicious date of 09/09/09, the Lads from Liverpool, or rather the two that are left, along with their producer George Martin released another set of the Beatles catalog to CD. This set, though, is remastered at their hands, and contains plentiful additional content. Of course, each time such a release becomes available, it […]

An Island List

I collect records – for the uninitiated in the audience, vinyl disks that you play with a turntable by putting the needle in the groove. I been collecting records since I was in high school so suffice it to say it’s been a long time. While I love the format, the music is more important. […]